Council Meeting Memo #037
Ricardo Villalobos and Samuel Rohrer: Microgestures (Arjunamusic, Album)
4 tracks, long, drums, electronics, percussive, textural, minimal, particular, detailed. CB
Tom Carruthers: Non Stop Rhythms (LIES, Album)
Let’s get the bleedin’ obvious comment out of the way first, then I can assess on its own terms. This totally wants to be some sort of indirect sequel to the LFO album ‘Frequencies’. With sounds and samples lifted wholesale from that classic record. That said, it’s so fun and vivacious that you forgive its kleptomaniac tendencies. SA
Joy Orbison: Pinky Ring (XL, Single)
‘Red Velve7’: Proto-junglist, half-time, sawtooth b-line, rave action. Natch. SA
Laurine: (Slow Life, EP)
Got excited ‘cos Discogs has this listed as ‘House, Bleep, Breakbeat’ but couldn’t find any evidence of the latter two anywhere. Just lots of house slightly too leaden with cheese. False advertising! SA
Rozzer: City Spectre Volume 1 (Silent Force Recordings, EP)
Track titles sounding like they come from a death-metal outfit as opposed to the junglist massive. Anyway, starts off promising enough with the panic-inducing ‘Abducticate’ and then progressively gets less interesting from there. SA